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Call for storytellers

On June 1st 2023, the Resiliency Center and the Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities will present the fifth in the series of Healthcare Stories at Kingsbury Hall. This year’s theme is “Wonder.” Stories might address discovery, questioning, the wonderful things that bring you awe or delight, what stops you in your tracks and causes you to reflect, things that make you say, “I wonder.”

We welcome storytellers from across our healthcare community, to include clinicians, patients, family members, staff, faculty, and students.

Story pitches of no more than 2 minutes long should be submitted in the form of audio, video, or word document to:

A story pitch is a short teaser of the main points of your story. The main story will be between 8-10 minutes long.

Tentative dates and expectations: 

  • Sunday, March 5, 2023: Story pitches due
  • Monday, April 3, 2023: 5-6 storytellers will be chosen from across the community

Between April and the show in June, storytellers will be expected to commit to a minimum of 5 hours of rehearsal and coaching, to be scheduled working with each storyteller’s availability. Additional time writing, revising, and rehearsing your story would be on your own time.

Here are some national and local storytelling resources that inspire us: The MothThe NocturnistsThe Bee.

More information about ticket sales and the show will be shared in March 2023.