Congratulations to this years winners that were identified as “Beacons of Change.” Outstanding nominations were submitted from across campus–each worthy of the award. A selection committee of faculty, staff and administration led by Sr. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Thomas Chase Hagood and Vice President for Student Affairs Lori McDonald recommended six recipients in 2021 for service inspiring and advancing change by raising awareness around marginalized students, creating institutional change and/or advancing racial justice across campus.
As a 2021 recipient for the University of Utah Beacons of Excellence Award, honorees will be recognized at an annual luncheon ceremony on Thursday, October 28 from noon–1:30 p.m.
2021 Beacons of Excellence Award Recipients
- International Health Scholars
Loveleen Ghuman, Co-founder
Debora Andrade, Co-founder - Justice Lab
Anna E. Carpenter, Director of Clinical Programs & Director of Justice Lab - Psychology Department Diversity Committee
Anu Asnaani, Co-Chair and
Sheila Crowell, Co-Chair - Jennifer Follstad Shah
Associate Professor, Environmental & Sustainability Studies/Research Assistant Professor, Geography - Meligha Garfield
Director of the Black Cultural Center - Tramaine Jones
Student Success Advocate, Office of Student Success & Empowerment
Watch for more information about each of these recipients to be released after the luncheon ceremony in October 2021.