The university is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and encourages employees and others to report any dishonest or improper act that violates the law, wastes money or endangers public health or safety. Employees are encouraged to report suspected improprieties to their supervisor or to a higher authority if the supervisor is involved. Also, the university has an ongoing contract with EthicsPoint, a private company, to administer an ethics and compliance hotline: 888-206-6025 or online at EthicsPoint. This service ensures confidentiality and provides 24/7 availability.
Hotline reports are regularly investigated, and often assist university leaders to halt improper behavior, address policy violations and resolve other problems. Past reports have been instrumental in correcting issues such as misuse of university resources and unauthorized hiring of relatives.
If you suspect or know of fraud or abuse, report it to management. If you feel unable to communicate your concerns directly to management or another appropriate university department, use the hotline. Provide details—names, dates, times, amounts, circumstances, witnesses, etc. You can even check back and respond to questions from the person investigating your report without divulging your identity.