This announcement is adapted from a news article by Chemical & Engineering News. Find the full story here.
Shelley D. Minteer, Dale and Susan Poulter endowed chair of biological chemistry and associate chair of chemistry at the University of Utah, has been named editor in chief of the ACS Au portfolio of 9 fully open access journals, which the American Chemical Society will launch in 2021.
These journals include ACS Bio & Med Chem Au, ACS Engineering Au, ACS Environmental Au, ACS Materials Au, ACS Measurement Science Au, ACS Nanoscience Au, ACS Organic & Inorganic Au, ACS Physical Chemistry Au and ACS Polymers Au. Submissions will open in January 2021.
“I am very honored to be named the editor in chief of these new journals,” Minteer says. “Open access is clearly the future of scientific publishing, so I am excited about the opportunity to help ACS journals move in this new direction with a new set of subdiscipline specific journals.”
Minteer earned a B.S. in chemistry from Western Illinois University and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Iowa. Her research interests include electrocatalysis, batteries, organic electrosynthesis, synthetic biology and biosensors. “The breadth of my research program provides me with insight into many of the existing subdiscipline-specific chemistry communities of the 9 new journal areas,” Minteer says.