The summer 2016 Continuum is now available
National lab innovation incubator
Summer 2016 – Last day of classes for first session
Nominate a faculty member for the U’s “Innovate Report”
THE SUMMER 2016 CONTINUUM IS NOW AVAILABLE[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]IThe Summer 2016 Continuum is now available!
In our cover story, meet U law professor Erika George, who fights to protect human dignity around the globe.
A sneak peek at more in this issue:
Read about a unique internship that guides Native American students from across the country toward careers in science and medicine.
Why don’t elephants get cancer? Dr. Joshua Schiffman explains this and how his research impacts prevention of the disease in humans.
What does it mean to get in good trouble? Students find out by studying the life of civil rights icon John Lewis.
As usual, you can find plenty of extras online, including videos and extended photo galleries.
We’d love to hear your opinion about these stories or anything else in the magazine.[/bs_col]
NATIONAL LAB INNOVATION INCUBATOR[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Argonne National Laboratory has launched an new innovation incubator called Chain Reaction Innovation (CRI) that will provide $4.4 million in funds to energy and physical science based startups. This is the Midwest’s first energy and science technology incubator that embeds entrepreneurs from industry and academia into a national laboratory. Chain Reaction Innovations will accelerate the scale-up and commercial deployment of nascent technologies through unparalleled access to cutting-edge research facilities and cross-disciplinary experts at Argonne while simultaneously providing business, legal, and financial support through partnerships with regional mentors.
Participants benefit in the following ways for two years:
Access at Argonne to office space, cutting-edge R&D equipment and guidance in the use of that equipment
Potential collaboration partners from the 1,600 engineers and scientists working in a multitude of disciplines at Argonne
A fellowship that covers salary and benefits
A connection to partner mentor organization that offer assistance in developing business strategies, conducting market research, and finding long-term financing and potential commercial partners.
To sign up, go to the CRI website.[/bs_col]
Wednesday, June 22, 2016[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Office of the Registrar
Phone: 801-581-5808[/bs_col]
Nominations due by Tuesday, June 14, 2016[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-4″]
[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]Please nominate faculty members to be featured in the next edition of “Innovate,” the annual report of the U’s Innovation Ecosystem as overseen by the Internal Commercialization Coordination Council (IC3). The publication celebrates innovations emerging from collaborative, cross-disciplinary and high-impact work performed by our faculty and departments across campus.
Find the last edition here. This year, we would like to feature as many stories as possible about Utah impact.
Go here to submit nominations, which are due Tuesday, June 14, 2016.[/bs_col]