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Updates from Human Resources

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

According to the National Institutes of Health, diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. It affects about 37 million Americans, including adults and youth. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart, and it is linked to some types of cancer.  But there’s also good news: Taking charge of your health may help you prevent diabetes health problems.

The University’s OSHER Center for Wellness & Integrative Health offers the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP).  Employees can access this program for the reduced cost of $50.  Employees who successfully participate in the DPP receive WellU credit.  To check eligibility and register, click here.

Individuals enrolled in the Employee Health Care Plan can enroll with Livongo at no cost.  Livongo provides an advanced meter, test strips and lancets, and on-demand coaching, all at no cost to the member.  To join call (800) 945-4355 or Register using registration code: UNIVERSITYOFUTAH.

Flu and COVID vaccines

If your flu or COVID vaccination is not showing in the WellU tracker, you can now self-report your vaccination.  Log into CIS using your UID and password.  In the search bar, type “Vaccinations”, then click the Vaccinations tile.  Click the “+” box, use the dropdown to choose the type of vaccination, and click “Continue”.   Enter the date of your vaccination and attach evidence.  The attachment must include the type of vaccine, date, and where you received it.  Click the certification box and then “Save”.  Your vaccination will then be reported to HR and included in the WellU tracker within a few weeks.

If you missed the flu shot clinic at EAD, you can still easily get one:

  • RedMed has appointments available for employee flu shots.  All employees can access RedMed.  Go to to schedule an appointment.
  • Pharmacies can also give flu and COVID vaccines.  There is no cost for individuals enrolled in the University’s Employee Health Care Plan.

Public service loan forgiveness

Are you wondering if you qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness?  The University of Utah is a qualifying employer and you may qualify to have a portion of your student loan forgiven if you have worked for the University for the required amount of time.

Both Fidelity Investments and TIAA offer free access to tools that will help you complete the application process.  You do not need to have a retirement account with either vendor to be able to use their tool.



To have your PSLF form signed by a University representative, please send it to Human Resources:

  • From your University email address to and include PHI in the subject line, or
  • Via encrypted email through the HR Website.