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Sharing Global U stories

Register your research with the Global U Inventory, a searchable database of the U’s international activity.

The Global U Inventory found at

Part of the Office for Global Engagement’s mission is to amplify the international impact of our colleagues at the U. Here’s how we can help share your “Global U” efforts.

Register your research with the Global U Inventory, a searchable database of the U’s international activity. The database identifies faculty activities, partnerships, learning abroad opportunities, Hinckley Internships and Global U stories.

To ensure your global efforts are included in the Global U Inventory, simply update your FAR/MBM/U-CV profile and encourage others to do the same. For each activity that is international, users should use the “Global” checkbox and select the country/countries that are applicable. If your department or office offers global programs that aren’t currently listed in the inventory, please register those as well.


When your international research partnership garners news coverage by the local news agencies, let us know! Send us the story link, headline, first paragraph, and a graphic and we’ll point readers to your original story to read more. If your story isn’t published elsewhere, again, let us know! We’re happy to publish your full-length story so you have a link to share.

So, share your Global U stories, events, requests and submit questions to External Relations and Global Programs Director Cheri Daily.