The Campus Information Services (CIS) portal will undergo a planned upgrade on Saturday, August 5, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. CIS will be unavailable for about 20 minutes during the maintenance period, though the potential for a longer outage exists.
Individual applications will still be available. A splash page during the maintenance window will instruct CIS users on how to access the most commonly used university applications, including Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG) and Canvas.
Please clear your browser’s cache and cookies and/or restart your browser if you have difficulty accessing CIS after the upgrade.
After the upgrade, users will have the option to preview the new CIS portal, which features minor design enhancements. To use the new CIS portal, select the “Preview CIS Update” button at the top right of the screen. Users can return to the old CIS portal at any time by selecting the “Return to Legacy CIS” button at the top right of the screen.
To provide feedback about the new CIS portal, select “Provide Your Feedback” at the top left of the screen or take this Qualtrics survey.
If you have questions, your local IT support staff may be able to assist, or you may contact your respective help desk: UIT Help Desk at 801-581-4000; ITS Service Desk at 801-587-6000.
Please visit the University IT Services Status page for information during this and future maintenance events