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New roles in the Ombuds Office

The Ombuds Office at the University of Utah is a conflict resolution method that provides faculty, staff and students with a variety of options when they have conflicts or concerns. We employ a collaborative approach where employees and students can feel safe to speak to someone about their concerns. The focus of the ombuds role is to listen, help employees and students feel heard and understood, identify resources, and assist in helping parties resolve concerns.

The Ombuds Office currently seeks two ombuds for main campus (non-health), one representing staff and one representing faculty. These individuals will work collaboratively with the two current health sciences ombuds to make up the university’s Ombuds Office.

The Ombuds Office provides resources and problem-solving services to faculty, staff, academic non-faculty and, in some cases, students and facilitates informal resolution of conflicts and concerns. Ombuds serve as an independent, confidential, informal and neutral resource for conflict resolution.

We are looking for University employees who can allocate 0.25 FTE in the ombuds role while retaining their current, full-time position at 0.75 FTE or part-time position at 0.50 FTE.

To apply:

Please submit the following documents to by July 8:

  • Cover letter detailing interest and relevant experience
  • CV or resume
  • Relevant certifications