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Go digital to avoid supply chain challenges for textbooks

Students will have immediate access to the exact book and edition that the professor selects for the class. 

Faculty members can avoid supply chain issues by going digital with their course materials next semester. Due to current supply chain challenges, it could take months to receive traditional print textbooks, if they arrive at all. Alternatively, an e-book through the Campus Store’s Inclusive Access program can be processed and uploaded to a student’s CIS system via their course registration within 24 hours. They’ll have immediate access to the exact book and edition that the professor selects for the class.

Not only are e-books a quicker, more convenient alternative, but they will also save students 70-80% on course materials compared to traditional hard-bound textbooks. In the past, students could expect to pay on average $150 for course materials per semester. With Inclusive Access, students will pay a fraction of the cost, and the fee will be conveniently rolled into tuition, making it easier and less expensive for students than ever. Professors can also have peace of mind knowing that their student has quick access to the correct book in a digital format.

Professors can expect long delays when it comes to traditional print textbooks this spring semester. Avoid delays, possible cancellations, and headaches of supply issues by going digital with Inclusive Access. It is not only the more convenient option for faculty members; it is also the less expensive option for students. So, professors should get their adoptions in now.

To learn more and establish access for your courses, contact Heidi Booth, Textbook Manager of the Campus Store, at or (801) 581-5965.

Help your students save a substantial amount of money each semester by participating in the Inclusive Access program and avoid any of those pesky supply issues!