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Get ready for winter driving

Despite the warmer-than-normal temperatures this Fall, it’s time to plan for wintry weather on campus.  Snow removal at the University of Utah is a team effort. The Facilities organization has been ramping up to keep campus roads, parking lots, and sidewalks clear of ice and snow for you this winter season.

What you need to know

  • If you drive to campus, understand the snow removal routes.  Road plow priorities provide access to University hospitals and medical facilities first and foremost
  • The campus shovel map highlights sidewalks and pathways designated for snow and ice removal, working to keep building entrances open and safe
  • Be prepared to walk safely around campus – always WALK SMART

Please call Facilities Dispatch at 801-581-7221 if you notice an area on campus that requires extra attention for snow and ice removal.  This dispatch number is staffed by U Facilities resources 24/7.

Whether walking or driving, exercise caution and give yourself extra time to traverse campus.  A little bit of planning goes a long way toward safe wintertime travel.