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CFO appoints New Chief Audit Executive

Hollie Andrus

University of Utah chief financial officer, Cathy Anderson, has named Hollie Andrus as the U’s next chief audit executive. Andrus will begin her new role in June 2023 and is replacing Randy Van Dyke, who recently retired after serving in the position for more than 40 years.

Andrus brings a collaborative audit philosophy to the position, emphasizing her use of audits as a way to develop positive relationships and build trust, while helping organizations improve operations and impact positive change. Andrus has employed this approach in her 24 years at the Utah Office of the State Auditor, most recently as the deputy state auditor, and looks forward to continuing this same collaborative improvement approach at the university.

“I’m thrilled to join the University of Utah and look forward to improving the support Internal Audit provides to all departments at this great university as it works to fulfill President Randall’s vision and goals,” said Andrus.  Andrus is a certified public accountant and holds a master of accountancy degree from Brigham Young University. She has extensive experience in financial and compliance audits, including managing the University of Utah’s state-required audits, governmental accounting standards and process improvements in the public sector.

The Department of Internal Audit fulfills a critical role at the university, providing an independent eye and disciplined approach in ensuring the institution operates effectively, within required laws, policies and rules. With dual reporting responsibilities to the CFO and the Board of Trustees, the chief audit executive leads a team in conducting financial and operational audits, fraud detection, reporting functions and governmental cost accounting. Internal Audit works across the institution, providing support to departments and offices in improving and monitoring internal controls, governance processes and risk management.

“I look forward to welcoming Hollie as she joins the University of Utah,” says Anderson. “She brings a depth of experience and leadership. I am expecting Hollie, along with the talented team already in place in Internal Audit, to provide a disciplined approach to the evaluation and improvement of university processes related to risk management, internal control and governance as we move forward with President Randall’s vision for the university.

The University Board of Trustees expressed their gratitude for Van Dyke’s four decades of service to the U with a resolution of appreciation for his dedicated and exemplary work and his fulfillment of duties with courtesy, sensitivity, skill and diplomacy. He was recognized as an effective leader, mentor, loyal and trusted colleague and valuable advisor to the board and univer