Main campus and UUHA employees (does not apply to UUHC employees) are eligible for up to 2 hours of paid administrative leave in order for the employee to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Additionally, pending FDA emergency use authorization for the COVID-19 vaccination for eligible dependent children, employees will be eligible for up to 2 hours of paid administrative leave for any eligible dependent children to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. While the University will provide up to 2 hours of paid administrative leave per child, we encourage employees to consolidate appointments for their children, wherever possible.
General eligibility requirements: Applies to main campus and UUHA employees in paid positions, including work study employees regardless of whether the employee is eligible for benefits. The University will provide two hours of paid administrative leave total for initial vaccination as well as additional booster per eligible individual.
The exception to the administrative leave for the employee to receive the COVID-19 vaccination is health care workers and support staff in Health Academics, who were previously offered the vaccine through the Work Wellness Center before it became available to the community. The exception to the administrative leave for any dependent children to receive the COVID-19 vaccination is credentialed providers and other employees involved in patient care or the direct support of clinical operations.
Employees that load to Kronos: For Both Exempt and Hourly/Non-Exempt Staff: Department to add appropriate hours of ALP (Paid Admin Leave) in Kronos on the day the vaccination takes place.
Work Study employees: Department to report REG (Regular) time on the days eligible vaccinations occur.
Employees who do not load to Kronos but track time manually through department: (Administration, Faculty, Post-Docs, Research Associates, Housestaff) Department to track ALP manually.