University of Utah policy 6-100 requires instructors to post course syllabi that include course outcomes and learning objectives, course expectations for earning credit and grades, and if applicable, a preliminary schedule for major examinations and assignments. Per policy, this information must be made available to students every semester, one week in advance of classes starting. For the Spring 2025 semester, all instructors are required to post core syllabi by December 30, 2024.
“To provide an exceptional educational experience and prepare students for success, it is essential that students understand what to expect in each course section,” said T. Chase Hagood, vice provost for student success. “This work aims to support faculty by ensuring timely communication with students through course syllabi posting.”
To support instructors in complying with PPM 6-100, the Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence, MBECTE, has prepared a Syllabus Design Page containing a core syllabus template and instructions on how to post a syllabus to the class schedule via CIS. This process will create a hyperlink to the syllabus within the class schedule. MBECTE has created a webpage listing up-to-date university policies and resources for required syllabi posting.
“We’re trying to make the process of following PPM 6-100 as simple as possible for faculty to follow, while still supporting their academic freedom and instructional flexibility,” said Anne Cook, director of MBECTE.
If instructors have questions about syllabus requirements or recommendations, they can schedule a consult with a team member from MBECTE.