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Aug. 2021: An NFL quarterback on overcoming setbacks and self-doubt
Former NFL quarterback Alex Smith almost died after a particularly rough tackle snapped his leg in 2018 -- yet he was back on the field just two years later. In this inspiring talk, he shares his hard-won insights on overcoming fear, self-doubt and anxiety that could help anyone endure life's challenges. (This talk contains graphic images.)
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Sept. 2019: My story of love and loss as a transracial adoptee
A mysterious tattoo on her forearm was all that linked Sara Jones, adopted as a child by white parents, to her South Korean origins. Searching for her birth family taught her that transracial adoption stories often frame new lives abroad as strokes of luck that call for endless gratitude, obscuring a far more complex reality. Through her experience of loss and discovery, Jones offers guidance on what adoptive parents can do to protect their children's unique cultural and personal narratives.
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April 2019: The wonders of the molecular world, animated
Some biological structures are so small that scientists can't see them with even the most powerful microscopes. That's where molecular animator and TED Fellow Janet Iwasa gets creative. Explore vast, unseen molecular worlds as she shares mesmerizing animations that imagine how they might work.
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Sept. 2015: Why curiosity is the key to science and medicine
Science is a learning process that involves experimentation, failure and revision— and the science of medicine is no exception. Cancer researcher Kevin B. Jones faces the deep unknowns about surgery and medical care with a simple answer: honesty. In a thoughtful talk about the nature of knowledge, Jones shows how science is at its best when scientists humbly admit what they do not yet understand.
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March 2014: How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis
3D animation can bring scientific hypotheses to life. Molecular biologist (and TED Fellow) Janet Iwasa introduces a new open-source animation software designed just for scientists.
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April 2011: Information Visualization for Scientific Discovery
Miriah Meyer is a computer scientist who is changing the way other scientists see the world of data. Meyer is a pioneer in the emerging field of visualization, which uses graphic computer representations to help scientists envision, manage and interact with large quantities of complex data in ways that would otherwise be impossible. Working closely with research scientists, Meryer’s interactive tools now pinpoint patterns and trends
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February 2010: Life science in prison
Nalini Nadkarni challenges our perspective on trees and prisons -- she says both can be more dynamic than we think. Through a partnership with the state of Washington, she brings science classes and conservation programs to inmates, with unexpected results.
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February 2009: Conserving the canopy
A unique ecosystem of plants, birds and monkeys thrives in the treetops of the rainforest. Nalini Nadkarni explores these canopy worlds -- and shares her findings with the world below, through dance, art and bold partnerships.
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