@ The U Newsletter

Commencement 2020 survey results

In addition to a virtual General Commencement on April 30, graduate candidates elect to participate in December convocations in person.

Adapting to the times

A doctoral candidate and her committee didn’t let COVID-19 delay her dissertation defense.

We believe you

The Department of Public Safety joins campus-wide recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Help is available for victims of domestic violence

It feels dire, but there is hope, and support is available. Friends and family: Check on the people in your lives now, more than ever.

When COVID-19 calls

How do you know if you’ve come in contact with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19? You’ll get a call. Here’s how it works.

U of U Health and Intermountain Healthcare launch COVID-19 clinical drug trials

Trials to test the effectiveness and safety of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat patients with COVID-19.

Empowering rural doctors to treat advanced heart failure improves patient outcomes

Training rural doctors can help heart failure patients who can’t travel for follow-up appointments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Campus Events


Utah Supreme Court considers waiver for 2020 Bar Examination

Comments are now being taken on the proposal.

UIT asks users to update their security profiles

The updates are due to an increase in the number of people working remotely.

Huntsman Cancer Institute receives 5 tons of hand sanitizer

Thanks to the ingenuity and generosity of two companies, HCI and associated medical facilities now have access to a supply of this critical tool in the fight against COVID-19.

News from the Financial Wellness Center

Help is available.

Problems with weekly @theU email

Why your email was late last week.

U earns four Utah State of Sport Awards

The University of Utah has been honored with four Utah Governor’s State of Sport Awards, presented by the Utah Sports Commission.

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Campus Events


Add to the Utah COVID-19 digital collection

You are invited to share your photos and stories to help us preserve a bit of current history.

New posts every day on @theU

It’s more than an email!

Board of Regents approves new public safety building

The 25,000-square-foot building gives campus police and emergency managers better tools to help students and keep campus safe.

Humans of the U: Omid Atlaschian

This international student received the inaugural recipient of the International Student Council Scholarship and has encouraging words for others.

Campus Events


Get Started with a Business Idea Session
Online exhibitions at Marriott Library
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