The Office of the Dean of Students aims to support students in any way they need. Its most important tools are the Behavioral Intervention Team and Student Support Case Management.
By using “Slow the Flow” guidelines designed by state water conservation experts, the university has created a dramatic transformation saving millions of gallons of water and hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.
For years, antibiotics were the go-to treatment for many medical conditions, but new evidence shows that the overprescribing or incorrect use of these medications can lead to worse infections and potential superbugs and even hurt your microbiome.
“I did my first internship with the Ibarra Strategy Group in Washington, D.C. They are also part of the Latino Leaders Network, and as a person of color who grew up in a large immigrant community with low socioeconomic status, the work was very personal and meaningful. I was able to honor and advocate for people who look and sound just like me. It was an amazing, humbling experience.”