@ The U Newsletter

Sexual assault campus climate survey

Survey results show students are more engaged in discussions about sexual assault, but remain unaware of resources.

What love looks like—and what it does not

A working group at the U is looking at raising awareness about healthy relationships and warning signs of trouble.

‘One in a Million’

A new documentary tells the story of Tyler, who lost his ability to walk, see and hear by the time he was 10. The cause remained a mystery until U of U Health scientists searched his DNA for clues.

Youth in action

Bringing the worldwide work of human rights into a classroom.

Sharing in governance

The Academic Senate Personnel & Elections Committee needs your assistance.

Protecting the field of dreams

U engineers will develop sensors that know when cornfields are getting attacked by insects or weeds.

Air quality research

Researchers at the U renew their efforts to better understand who the big emitters are, who is being affected and how we can clear our air.

Campus Events


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Campus Events


U enters new public-private partnership for housing

The U’s Board of Trustees approved the first phase of a student housing initiative — a public-private partnership that will add more than 1,400 new beds to campus.

@theU September 9, 2024

Check out what’s happening at the U!

UUPD tips for avoiding common cybercrimes

Public Safety is partnering with the Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC) to gather information and identify the scammers.

Same-sex intimacy in 19th-century America

U psychology professor Lisa Diamond featured in new film exploring President Abraham Lincoln’s intimate relationships with men.

U student joins USHE Board

Muskan Walia didn’t intend to become a student leader when she started attending the University of Utah in 2020; she just really didn’t want to pay for printing. 

U, EPIC Ventures partner to drive regional innovation forward

By combining the U’s innovation engine with EPIC’s extensive network, the partnership will catalyze growth for early-stage technology companies across various sectors, including software, health and life sciences and financial technology.

How college life can help you broaden your perspective

No matter who you are, earning a degree is probably exposing you to not only new information but new people whose lives and perspectives are very different from your own.

Building interfaith bridges

Eboo Patel spoke to an audience of U business students about the virtues of finding common ground.

Just how dangerous is Great Salt Lake dust? New research looks for clues

U scientists determine sediments from the dry playa have elevated ‘oxidative potential,’ indicating greater risk to human health.

U research secures $691M in research funding

This funding achievement solidifies the U’s role as a major driver of innovation and economic growth for the state.

Senate Summary | August 2024

Here are the highlights from the first Academic Senate meeting of the 2024-25 school year.

Late summer bloomers at Red Butte Garden

School may be back in session for many, but the garden doesn’t know that. Come see all the late summer bloomers.

U enters new public-private partnership for housing

The U’s Board of Trustees approved the first phase of a student housing initiative — a public-private partnership that will add more than 1,400 new beds to campus.

@theU September 9, 2024

Check out what’s happening at the U!

UUPD tips for avoiding common cybercrimes

Public Safety is partnering with the Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC) to gather information and identify the scammers.

Same-sex intimacy in 19th-century America

U psychology professor Lisa Diamond featured in new film exploring President Abraham Lincoln’s intimate relationships with men.

U student joins USHE Board

Muskan Walia didn’t intend to become a student leader when she started attending the University of Utah in 2020; she just really didn’t want to pay for printing. 

U, EPIC Ventures partner to drive regional innovation forward

By combining the U’s innovation engine with EPIC’s extensive network, the partnership will catalyze growth for early-stage technology companies across various sectors, including software, health and life sciences and financial technology.

How college life can help you broaden your perspective

No matter who you are, earning a degree is probably exposing you to not only new information but new people whose lives and perspectives are very different from your own.

Building interfaith bridges

Eboo Patel spoke to an audience of U business students about the virtues of finding common ground.

Just how dangerous is Great Salt Lake dust? New research looks for clues

U scientists determine sediments from the dry playa have elevated ‘oxidative potential,’ indicating greater risk to human health.

U research secures $691M in research funding

This funding achievement solidifies the U’s role as a major driver of innovation and economic growth for the state.

Senate Summary | August 2024

Here are the highlights from the first Academic Senate meeting of the 2024-25 school year.

Late summer bloomers at Red Butte Garden

School may be back in session for many, but the garden doesn’t know that. Come see all the late summer bloomers.

U enters new public-private partnership for housing

The U’s Board of Trustees approved the first phase of a student housing initiative — a public-private partnership that will add more than 1,400 new beds to campus.

@theU September 9, 2024

Check out what’s happening at the U!

UUPD tips for avoiding common cybercrimes

Public Safety is partnering with the Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC) to gather information and identify the scammers.

Same-sex intimacy in 19th-century America

U psychology professor Lisa Diamond featured in new film exploring President Abraham Lincoln’s intimate relationships with men.

U student joins USHE Board

Muskan Walia didn’t intend to become a student leader when she started attending the University of Utah in 2020; she just really didn’t want to pay for printing. 

U, EPIC Ventures partner to drive regional innovation forward

By combining the U’s innovation engine with EPIC’s extensive network, the partnership will catalyze growth for early-stage technology companies across various sectors, including software, health and life sciences and financial technology.

How college life can help you broaden your perspective

No matter who you are, earning a degree is probably exposing you to not only new information but new people whose lives and perspectives are very different from your own.

Building interfaith bridges

Eboo Patel spoke to an audience of U business students about the virtues of finding common ground.

Just how dangerous is Great Salt Lake dust? New research looks for clues

U scientists determine sediments from the dry playa have elevated ‘oxidative potential,’ indicating greater risk to human health.

U research secures $691M in research funding

This funding achievement solidifies the U’s role as a major driver of innovation and economic growth for the state.

Senate Summary | August 2024

Here are the highlights from the first Academic Senate meeting of the 2024-25 school year.

Late summer bloomers at Red Butte Garden

School may be back in session for many, but the garden doesn’t know that. Come see all the late summer bloomers.

U enters new public-private partnership for housing

The U’s Board of Trustees approved the first phase of a student housing initiative — a public-private partnership that will add more than 1,400 new beds to campus.

@theU September 9, 2024

Check out what’s happening at the U!

UUPD tips for avoiding common cybercrimes

Public Safety is partnering with the Statewide Information & Analysis Center (SIAC) to gather information and identify the scammers.

Same-sex intimacy in 19th-century America

U psychology professor Lisa Diamond featured in new film exploring President Abraham Lincoln’s intimate relationships with men.

U student joins USHE Board

Muskan Walia didn’t intend to become a student leader when she started attending the University of Utah in 2020; she just really didn’t want to pay for printing. 

U, EPIC Ventures partner to drive regional innovation forward

By combining the U’s innovation engine with EPIC’s extensive network, the partnership will catalyze growth for early-stage technology companies across various sectors, including software, health and life sciences and financial technology.

How college life can help you broaden your perspective

No matter who you are, earning a degree is probably exposing you to not only new information but new people whose lives and perspectives are very different from your own.

Building interfaith bridges

Eboo Patel spoke to an audience of U business students about the virtues of finding common ground.

Just how dangerous is Great Salt Lake dust? New research looks for clues

U scientists determine sediments from the dry playa have elevated ‘oxidative potential,’ indicating greater risk to human health.

U research secures $691M in research funding

This funding achievement solidifies the U’s role as a major driver of innovation and economic growth for the state.

Senate Summary | August 2024

Here are the highlights from the first Academic Senate meeting of the 2024-25 school year.

Late summer bloomers at Red Butte Garden

School may be back in session for many, but the garden doesn’t know that. Come see all the late summer bloomers.

Campus Events


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