Celebrate Women's Week at the U with events hosted by the Center for Community and Cultural Engagement and other campus partners. This year's theme is "Creating Communities of Care."
Check out five books (with some bonuses) curated for readers to recognize, appreciate and honor women and the roles they played in history, and continue to play today.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory was designated a European Research Infrastructure Consortium, accelerating its mission to discover gamma ray origins.
Nobel laureate and former Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu enraptured the Frontiers of Science audience with stories of his life, including the Deepwater Horizon crisis.
The University of Utah has named its first chief data officer and vice provost of enterprise planning. Ravneet Chadha will assume the CDO position on March 17.
At each appraisal event, guests will receive free verbal evaluations of their antiques, art and collectibles by experts from the country’s leading auction houses and independent dealers.
Moore was honored for his lifetime of service and dedication to advancing geothermal energy, leading groundbreaking research and serving as a mentor to hundreds of young scientists.
The Office of Undergraduate Studies offers congratulations and gratitude for the recipients' incredible service to the University of Utah and Utah communities.