A change to the record management system used by U police officers and detectives allows them to access dispatch calls that may have occurred before, or separate from, an official police case.
The Change Roundup Program asks patrons to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, and excess funds are donated to campus organizations and charities that serve the U community.
As Fred Esplin steps down as vice president for institutional advancement, the capstone of his 40 years at the U, he says “I never imagined in my wildest dreams I would have the opportunities I have had.”
Amp up your career prep this spring with U Career Success! Discover internships or full-time opportunities, and network with top employers at our diverse lineup of career events.
Amp up your career prep this spring with U Career Success! Discover internships or full-time opportunities, and network with top employers at our diverse lineup of career events.
Amp up your career prep this spring with U Career Success! Discover internships or full-time opportunities, and network with top employers at our diverse lineup of career events.
Amp up your career prep this spring with U Career Success! Discover internships or full-time opportunities, and network with top employers at our diverse lineup of career events.