During her first six months as president, Ruth V. Watkins has visited with campus and community members, toured the state and recruited a new leadership team.
From medical marijuana to Medicaid expansion, this election season is packed with hot-button issues—and that has set the stage for a fact-filled, informative third season of “The Hinckley Report.”
Save the date: Presidential Inauguration | Title IX and the University of Utah | 7 ways the Marriott Library can help you | Continuing Ed opens new building | Learning Abroad: Call for panel participants | U.S. Geological Survey partners with University of Utah | U scientists’ quest to understand how plants use water | Teaching award and grant deadlines | Community Engaged Teaching Fellow | Customized promotional items from University Print & Mail | Homecoming royalty applications are open
A Healthier U
The Real Life Challenge | Four weeks of free fitness classes | Could you have Fatty Liver Disease?
The Arts and U
On Sept. 13 and 14, Kirstin Chávez will perform her one-woman show “Carmen Inside Out” at Kingsbury Hall as part of the UtahPresents performance season