@ The U Newsletter

Ring in the holidays with concerts at the U

December is an exciting time for the ensembles at the School of Music and Kingsbury Hall. Join them for special concerts including “The Sands of Time—Journey Through the Middle East,” “Early Music for the Season from Spain and the New World,” “A Flute Choir Christmas” and “The Crimson Harps Concert.” Kingsbury Hall will host the “Lower Lights Christmas […]


JUMP TO: U reaches $515 million in research funding Two professors honored as 2018 AAAS Fellows In memoriam: Professor Thomas A. Kursar WIH Ambassador opportunity Phishing attempt targets U students uNID-based account archiving Last-minute gifts and stocking stuffers Send personal packages home, please Customized holiday gifts by Print & Mail Services U holiday cards by […]

Three reasons to earn an MBA

Employees can receive a tuition reduction while earning a world-class MBA at the U.

Statement about Title IX proposed regulations | U ranked No. 9 for undergrad, No. 19 for grad entrepreneur studies by Princeton Review | Golden Spike Award winners | Staff Scholarship | Send personal packages home, please | Customized holiday gifts and cards by University Print & Mail Services | New eatery on campus: Carolyn's Kitchen | October Advisor of the Month
Polio-like illness causes concern
Polio-like illness causes concern | Hidden sugars could contribute to childhood obesity | How to treat skin conditions on the foot
Safe & Sound
If departmental celebrations include food, please consult the campus food safety guide as you plan your menus
In memoriam: Ziaoqian (Tracy) Yu | In memory of Bob Bliss | Phishing attempt targets U students | uNID-based account archiving | Mitch Wishnowsky named finalist for Ray Guy Award | Utah headed to the Pac-12 Championship | Ethics Education Awards | University food drive | Upcoming deadlines for Teaching Committee prizes and awards
How to create a cancer care package
How to create a cancer care package | Heating pads can cause second-degree burns | Should I get blood tests at my annual checkup?
How to create a cancer care package
How to create a cancer care package | Heating pads can cause second-degree burns | Should I get blood tests at my annual checkup?

Giving thanks

November is National Gratitude Month, and in the spirit of giving thanks, University of Utah students have messages for those who made it possible for them to gain an education through scholarships and grants.

Canines on campus

Making campus a friendly place for service animals.