@ The U Newsletter

Classroom, community, country: Remembering Brent Taylor

Taylor, who was killed while on military duty, was a U grad student and North Ogden’s mayor.

A Legacy of passion and pride

The 2019 university calendar chronicles 125 years of Utah Football.

International Education Week 2018

Join in on a week of events that prepare students for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study.

Academic Senate recap | U MBA ranked by Bloomberg | U bioethicist named to National Science Board | 2018 Utah Athletes in Service honored | U food drive | Upcoming Teaching Committee deadlines | Crimson Outing Club | Artist-in-Residence at Taft-Nicholson Center applications | Marty Shaub named IAEM-USA president | Crimson Lagoon closing | Half-off fitness classes
A Healthier U
Sports injuries and age | Rubbing your eyes is bad | Kids can have high blood pressure, too
‘The Story of Everything’
Slam poet and MIT physicist Kealoha brings “The Story of Everything” to the U | Cuba documentary screens at UMFA this Wednesday

Uniting in shared experiences

The Global Campus Program is one of many programs organized to introduce the U to an international audience.

An uncommon space

Gardner Commons celebrates its role at center of campus collaboration.