From modest beginnings to global reach
The university will kick off a year of celebration with Founders Day on Feb. 28 and culminate with Homecoming in the fall.
Read MoreThe university will kick off a year of celebration with Founders Day on Feb. 28 and culminate with Homecoming in the fall.
Read MoreRandall and Elizabeth Cantwell, president of Utah State University, joined together as the leaders of Utah’s two R1 institutions to present to the Utah Board of Higher Education about the importance of not only supporting research in the state, but creating forward-thinking, collaborative research goals.
Read MoreUtah’s annual 45-day law-making session begins on Jan. 21. Playing a key role behind the scenes will be interns from colleges and universities around the state, including the University of Utah.
Read MorePacific Islanders attending more diverse schools pronounced vowels subtly differently than students in a predominantly white school, confirming the theory that groups differentiate along ethnic lines where more groups share social space.
Read MoreUtah should deploy equipment to track PM10 blowing from exposed lakebed into Davis, Weber counties, according to GSL Strike Team
Read MoreUnscripted, real-life stories will be shared of experiencing the impossible, witnessing the miraculous, working through tribulation or simply being present.
Read MorePhysicists discover a unique quantum behavior that offers a new way to manipulate electron-spin and magnetization to push forward cutting-edge spintronic technologies, like neuromorphic computing.
Read MoreWith a 20-year plan for research institutions and investments aligned with economic development, Utah will solidify its place as a leader in innovation.
Read MoreParticipants from all over the University of Utah came together in Fall 2024 to change how they commuted for the good of their health and the environment.
Read MoreU atmospheric scientists show “geoengineering” efforts to remove greenhouse gas could worsen air quality while provide minimal climate benefits.
Read MoreConserving, dedicating, and delivering water to the lake must be a multi-year focus.
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